

How does DEXA work?

DEXA stands for Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. DEXA is a means of measuring bone mineral density using spectral imaging. X-ray beams with different energy levels are absorbed differently by bone, lean and fat tissues and then is used to determine the mass of each type of tissue.

Is DEXA safe?

DEXA is very safe. The amount of radiation is extremely small, less than one-tenth the dose of a chest X-ray, and less than a day’s exposure to natural radiation.

The tech can sit just a few feet from you without any protective barrier because the levels are so low.

How does DEXA help support weight loss?

A DEXA scan is a powerful tool for anyone looking to lose weight, increase performance, improve their fitness level or would like to attain better health.

The major benefit to using DEXA scans in monitoring weight loss is that we can see what the weight loss is actually from. When you’re dropping pounds from the scale, we can be certain if you keep or increasing lean muscle and losing fat, or are you also losing lean tissue. Sometimes the scale can be stubborn because you're putting on lean tissue and decreasing body fat. A DEXA Scan will give you the most accurate body composition results so you have a tangible way to track your progress.

How accurate is DEXA?

DEXA is the most accurate body composition testing method. DEXA has an extremely low error rate of 1-2%, compared to 5-15% for most methods such as calipers, electronic scales or even hydrostatic testing. 

What do you wear? 

Lightweight gym-style clothes. Remove all metal objects if possible. For women, a great option would be yoga pants and a t-shirt. Men can wear gym pants and a lightweight shirt. 

How long does it take?

A DEXA scan takes around 6 minutes. During the scan, you lay still in the scanner bed. Your results are available immediately after the test.

How often should I get a scan done?

We recommend every 2-3 months for tracking progress. If you go too long between you may find you could have corrected a misdirection in your diet/training regime and achieved better results. Scans can be performed anytime but we prefer to get enough duration between scans to show significant progress.

Should I eat or drink anything before a scan?

Although not eating or drinking before the scan is ideal - we understand this isn't always possible. We recommend keeping food and fluid intake as consistent as possible, so if you have a later appointment and have to eat or drink - try to mimic the food and fluid as close as possible on your follow-up scans to keep the variables to a minimum so progress is accurate.

Where do you perform the scans?

Anywhere! We're mobile so we can come to you. Have a gym? Have a training studio? Looking to get your employees more health motivated? Contact us and we can arrange a DexaDay at your location!

Can you tell me about my bones in medical detail?

Although this test will give you many health insights, you will want to go to your primary care doctor if you're wanting medical advice.

How should I prepare myself for my first scan?

First-time scans can be a shock for some and great for others. We recommend treating your results as a baseline and then use follow-up scans to measure progress from your diet and training program.